6 research outputs found


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    This study uses an experimental-descriptive practical research method, focused on the use of arc welding techniques with stainless steel shaft for the creation of 3-dimensional works with curved surfaces. Application for oval form case studies. The purpose of this research is to identify the materials and equipment needed in the welding process with arc welding techniques; know the stages of implementing the creation process starting from preparation, workmanship, and finishing. This experimental-descriptive practice research method was chosen because the researcher was directly involved in the welding experiment process, felt firsthand the level of difficulty and various obstacles in the creation process, and analyzed the results during the research, accompanied by documentation and recording. This research resulted in a 3-dimensional work of art made of stainless steel axles with oval-formed curved surfaces and research conclusions, one of which occurred shrinking the form of the welding results. The results of this research could potentially increase the diversity of art and craft products that use stainless steel axles, such as sculptures, furniture, metal crafts, and so on. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode riset praktik eksperimental-deskriptif, difokuskan pada penggunaan teknik las busur dengan bahan as stainless steel untuk penciptaan karya 3 dimensi dengan permukaan lengkung. Penerapan untuk studi kasus bentuk oval. Tujuan riset ini adalah mengidentifikasi material dan peralatan yang diperlukan dalam proses pengelasan dengan teknik las busur; mengetahui tahapan pelaksanaan proses penciptaan mulai dari persiapan, pengerjaan dan finishing. Metode riset praktik eksperimental-deskriptif ini dipilih karena peneliti terlibat langsung dalam proses eksperimen pengelasan, merasakan secara langsung tingkat kesulitan dan berbagai kendala dalam proses penciptaan serta menganalisis hasil selama riset, disertai dokumentasi dan pencatatan. Riset ini menghasilkan sebuah karya seni 3 dimensi berbahan as stainless steel dengan permukaan lengkung berbentuk oval dan simpulan riset, salah satunya terjadi penyusutan bentuk pada hasil pengelasan. Hasil riset ini berpotensi dapat menambah keberagaman produk seni dan kriya yang menggunakan bahan as stainless steel, seperti patung, furnitur, kriya logam, dan sebagainya.

    Menerapkan Teori Desain Berkelanjutan Dalam Praktik Bisnis: Sebuah Panggilan Untuk Aksi di HOTEL GAIA

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    Intensifikasi kegiatan industri dalam paradigma pembangunan yang tidak berkelanjutan menyebabkan krisis lingkungan hidup yang mengkhawatirkan dan terkait dengan permasalahan sosial dalam skala global. Desain berkelanjutan teori ini berisi kumpulan pengetahuan yang luas tentang bagaimana isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial dapat terjadi diatasi dengan memikirkan kembali produk, proses industri, dan, lebih luas lagi, cara organisasi beroperasi konteks sistem sosio-ekonomi yang lebih berkelanjutan. Namun demikian, bukti menunjukkan bahwa penerapannya ide-ide tersebut merupakan aspek problematis yang belum tertangani sehingga menimbulkan kesenjangan antara abstrak spekulasi dan tindakan nyata. Dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini kami fokus pada kesenjangan kritis ini dengan melihat seberapa besar kesenjangan tersebut ada teori desain berkelanjutan diimplementasikan dalam praktik bisnis khususnya pada Hotel GAIA. Untuk tujuan ini, kami melakukan penelusuran yang dilanjutkan dengan wawancara dengan Hotel GAIA, untuk mengungkap kebutuhan mereka terkait pengalaman desain yang berkelanjutan. Metode pengabdian masyarakat yang digunakan adalah Service Learning yaitu untuk mengintegrasikan pembelajaran ke dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dalam Kemitraan Universitas Kristen Maranatha dan Hotel GAIA. Hasilnya adalah desain cheria, oray-orayan, kawung, dan ngahilir ka GAIA yang mengusung kerangka kerja yang mengintegrasikan desain berkelanjutan, dimana desain harus memenuhi fungsinya, mudah dibawa, mudah disusun dan disimpan, tahan cuaca, dan mudah dibersihkan dan memiliki estetis tinggi. Berdasarkan hal ini, kami menguraikan kontribusi kami terhadap teori dan praktik, dan memberikan rekomendasi yang tepat bagi, perancang industri, dan manajer bisnis yang ingin memanfaatkan posisi profesional mereka untuk berperan aktif dalam transisi menuju keberlanjutan perkembangan

    Leveraging the modular design approach to enhance variation of SME LORI jewelry

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    LORI SME (Small and Medium Enterprise), operating as a producer of fashion accessories characterized by local craftsmanship, encounters challenges in accommodating diverse customer preferences due to resource constraints. To unleash its full potential, there exists a pressing need to adopt innovative design methodologies. This research endeavors to investigate the application of a modular design approach as a strategic solution for augmenting the variety of LORI SME accessories, thereby facilitating the creation of a range of jewelry products that can be easily tailored and adapted to meet individual customer requirements. The study utilizes a qualitative research methodology, encompassing literature reviews, interviews with the owner, exploration of visual motifs and materials, and practice-based research. The findings of this research illuminate that the adoption of a modular design approach significantly enhances the diversity of LORI SME's jewelry offerings, particularly in the case of its necklace products. This modular approach provides SMEs with a broader array of customizable necklace options characterized by distinctive local motifs and high craftsmanship value. These findings furnish valuable insights for SMEs within the LORI SME sector aiming to expand their product portfolios. Additionally, they offer guidance to designers and artisans regarding the potential advantages and challenges associated with the incorporation of modular design strategies in the broader context of small business innovation and product development

    Penerapan Motif Batik Pesisir Utara Jawa pada Perhiasan Logam (Studi Kasus: Warak Ngendog)

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    Abstrak—Perhiasan telah dikenal oleh manusia sejak zaman prasejarah yang terbuat dari batu-batuan maupun tulang hewan. Perhiasan tidak hanya memiliki fungsi estetis, melainkan juga status sosial bagi pemakainya. Seiring dengan berkembangnya peradaban manusia, teknologi pengolahan perhiasan juga mengalami kemajuan dari segi pembuatannya salah satunya dengan ditemukannya teknik pengerjaan logam. Salah satu teknik pengerjaan logam yang berkembang dan banyak digunakan oleh para pengrajin perhiasan logam adalah teknik elektroplating atau penyepuhan. Melalui artikel ini akan dipaparkan tentang desain perhiasan logam yang dikombinasikan dengan penerapan beberapa motif batik Pesisir Utara Jawa, salah satunya dari Batik Semarang yaitu motif Warak Ngendog, sebagai hasil akulturasi budaya Jawa, Tionghoa, dan Arab melalui penggambaran hewan mitologi sebagai simbol keharmonisan menurut kepercayaan masyarakat Kota Semarang. Material yang digunakan sebagai bahan utama perhiasan adalah logam tembaga karena bersifat reaktif terhadap elektroplating. Teknik pengolahan logam dengan metode elektroplating dipilih karena teknik ini sudah banyak digunakan dalam bidang industri kerajinan logam, khususnya perhiasan di Indonesia. Adapun metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimental deskriptif melalui percobaan  teknik elektroplating pada logam tembaga disertai proses identifikasi dan dokumentasi terstruktur. Hasil akhir dari eksperimen ini berupa satu set produk perhiasan dengan penerapan motif Warak Ngendog berupa anting, gelang, dan liontin kalung. Abstract—Jewelry has been known to humans since prehistoric times made of rocks and animal bones. Jewelry not only has an aesthetic function, but also a social status for the wearer. Along with the development of human civilization, jewelry processing technology has also progressed in terms of manufacture, one of them being the discovery of metalworking techniques. One of the developed metalworking techniques and widely used by metal jewelry craftsmen is electroplating or gilding techniques. Through this article, we will describe the design of metal jewelry combined with the application of several North Coast Java batik motifs, one of them are Batik Semarang, namely Warak Ngendog motifs, as a culture result of Javanese, Chinese, and Arabic acculturation through the depiction of mythological animals as symbols of harmony according to Semarang’s people beliefs. The main jewelry material used is copper due to its electroplating reactivity. The metal processing technique with the electroplating method was chosen because this technique has been widely used in the metal craft industry, especially jewelry in Indonesia. The research method is descriptive experimental through electroplating technique experiments on copper accompanied by a structured identification and documentation process. The final result of this experiment is a set of jewelry products with the application of the Warak Ngendog motif in the form of earrings, bracelets, and necklace pendants

    Revitalisasi Dinding Melalui Pembuatan Mural dengan Narasi Sejarah Jamblang, Cirebon: Wall Revitalization Through Making Murals with Jamblang History Narrative, Cirebon

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    Jamblang Chinatown, Cirebon was once known as a trading city during the Dutch colonial period, as a place for buying and selling and stopping by traders from various regions through the river that flows nearby. The river is a means of transportation that brings ships from the interior of Cirebon to the Java Sea, and vice versa. However, the current situation is reversed because Jamblang is like a "dead city" that is almost forgotten. The government and the community have a dream to revive the Jamblang Chinatown area. Through this PKM activity, a team of lecturers and students of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at Maranatha Christian University seeks to revive Jamblang Chinatown by making murals with the surrounding community, as well as providing education as well as performances for the surrounding community through PKM activities. The attraction of making murals containing the historical value of Jamblang. The approach taken is a participatory collaborative workshop with local residents, through mentoring and education. The result achieved is a mural with the theme Mural History Jamblang, which is located on a 90-degree wall and is located in front of Vihara Dharma Rhakita, Jamblang, Cirebon Regency. They participate in the process of making murals. Other residents are interested in knowing the meaning contained in the visualization of the mural. And many are just selfies with a mural as a background. This mural-making attraction is also quite successful as one of the activities that attract public attention during the 2022 Jamblang Festival